5 Safety Precautions for Common Construction Risks

5 Safety Precautions for Common Construction Risks

Construction workers encounter more frequent and dangerous safety risks within their occupation than most other employees. Construction sites are filled with dangerous machinery, environments, hazards, and chemicals that can cause major to lethal injury without...
8 Tips for Creating the Perfect Architectural Drawing

8 Tips for Creating the Perfect Architectural Drawing

Great drawings tell a story. They invite us to question how and why we read them as built spaces, and what we imagine between the lines. They are architecture in their own right. When creating the perfect drawing, whether a plan, sketch or projection, there are a...
How Can Homebuilders Reduce Construction Costs?

How Can Homebuilders Reduce Construction Costs?

Construction is growing more expensive year after year for several reasons. Raw material costs are rising, gas and fuel prices fluctuate and the costs of running heavy machinery and related equipment change. Also, labor costs tend to change over time and are certainly...
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